Analysis of the application of the Polar Code requirements at different stages of a ship's life cycle

Analysis of the application of the Polar Code requirements at different stages of a ship's life cycle

Authors: I.O. Borodavina, O.V. Odegova


The purpose of the research is to systematize, expand and specify knowledge on the application of the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code, Code, PC) for designers, shipbuilders and shipowners. The article aims to give a more exact definition for the application and characteristics of the PC, the method of preparation for the initial survey and required documents, while also specifiying the most pressing issues related to the application of the Code. The result of this work is the explanations and comments complied to bring the ship in compliance with the Polar Code. The article considers the means to formalize the method of analysis and calculation of the polar navigation risks and the risk assessment criteria, which is necessary to determine the operational restrictions for the ship in accordance with para 1.5 of Part I-A of the PC.

Keywords: Polar Code, Polar Water Operational Manual, safety of navigation.


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About authors

I.O. Borodavina - PAO "CDB Iceberg", St. Petersburg, e-mail:

O.V. Odegova - PhD, associate professor, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg, e-mail:


For citation: I.O. Borodavina, O.V. Odegova. Analysis of the application of the Polar Code requirements at different stages of a ship's life cycle. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2018, No. 52/53, pp. 113-120.

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UDC:  629.5
Pages:  113-120