Determination of the safe distance for heavy-tonnage ships escorting in ice

Determination of the safe distance for heavy-tonnage ships escorting in ice

Authors: A.A. Dobrodeev, K.E. Sazonov

The article considers different approaches to determine the safe distance in ice for heavy-tonnage ship escorting by an icebreaker. Large-scale use of heavy-tonnage vessels in Arctic seas rises a variety of new challenges, calling for immediate solution, as they have impact on the development of new marine transport systems for the export of hydrocarbons from the Arctic. The safety of heavy-tonnage ship navigation in ice conditions when deploying different escorting scenarios is one such issue. The research results demonstrate that the most accurate estimation of the safe distance in ice is produced by model tests in ice tank. It can be explained by the fact that physical modelling makes it possible to determine the specifics of a ship moving in the ice channel. The authors lead a series of experiments and consider different options for a heavytonnage ship behavior in the ice channel. Based on the findings the method of ice resistance calculation for a heavy-tonnage ship moving in the ice channel is proposed. The calculation results by the proposed method allow for an assessment of the safe distance

in ice in accordance with the RS Methodical Recommendations.


Keywords: heavy-tonnage ship, icebreaker, ice channel, ship escorting in ice, model test, ice tank


UDC 629.123:532.583.4

About authors:

A.A. Dobrodeev - PhD, Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg, e-mail:

K.E. Sazonov - DSc, Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg, e-mail:

Pages: 8-16


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For citation: A.A. Dobrodeev, K.E. Sazonov. Determination of the safe distance for heavy-tonnage ships escorting in ice. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2019, No. 54/55, pp. 8-16.