Simplified mathemtical modelling of ships with active control elements movement and its accuracy measurement

Simplified mathemtical modelling of ships with active control elements movement and its accuracy measurement

Authors: S.V. Glushkov, I.A. Mazhirin

The article presents a simplified modelling method for the movement of ships with active control elements. The selected technique is based on the movement modelling methodoof movement from IEC 62065 standard. Modelling is simplified by substituting the calculations of ship hull hydro- and aerodynamics with the values from ship trials and analysis of the Turning Circle Manoeuvre. Disadvantages of the method described in the standard are as follows: calculation of the ship's movement only with traditional propulsion and steering complex (which includes propeller and rudder), and neglecting the action of wind. Elimination of these disadvantages is the purpose of the performed research, whose results are presented in the article. Moreover, the diagram is presented based on the simulation of ship movement using the characteristics of a real ship, supplemented with the accuracy



Keywords: mathematical model of the ship movement, propulsion and steering complex, dynamic positioning.


UDC 517.977+656.61.052

About authors:

S.V. Glushkov - DSc, professor, Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy Maritime State University, Vladivostok, e-mail:

I.A. Mazhirin - Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy Maritime State University, Vladivostok, e mail:

Pages: 39-48


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For citation: S.V. Glushkov, I.A. Mazhirin.  Simplified mathemtical modelling of ships with active control elements movement and its accuracy measurement. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2019,  No. 54/55, pp. 39-48.