The paper formulates main proposals and modern approaches to evaluation of hydrodynamic resistance forces to vibration of fast vessels (planing boats and semi-displacement vessels). Those are critical for accuracy of loads calculation, validation of simplified formulas for calculation of external forces obtained based on numerical studies, evaluation of reliability of such formulas based on their comparison with their experimental values and with similar formulas given in rules of leading foreign classification societies. The results of the research could be used for design of planing boats, for analysis of forced vibration of ships with account of hydrodynamic damping of vibration, as well as for quick estimation of loads determining general and local hull strength in sea conditions.
Keywords: high speed craft, planing boats, external forces, load evaluation methods, vibration resistance, hydrodynamic damping, normative requirements for loads evaluation.
UDC 534.13/629.5.021
About author:
G.B. Kryzhevich - DSc, professor, Krylov State Research Center, St. Petersburg, tel.: +7 (812)-415-46-74, e-mail:
Pages: 49-63
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