Application of 3D-printing in marine engineering as exemplified by ship fire automatics system repair

Application of 3D-printing in marine engineering as exemplified by ship fire automatics system repair

Authors: A.V. Dektyarev, P.R. Grishin, A.V. Pchelintsev, V.N. Morozov

The purpose of this article is to review the experience of repairing the ship fire automatic system using the example of a combined fire detector "Bark-M" on the ship under construction at the Yantar Baltic Shipbuilding Plant by the application of additive technologies. For this purpose, task was performed to determine the repair parameters, the technological process was developed for printing of the repaired part, as well as the feasibility study of repairing the product with the help of 3D-printing. The article gives a brief description and the number of breakdowns of the device, as well as its general functionality, reliability and maintainability, graphically showing the repair process, consisting of the fault detection report preparation, the development of a 2D-pattern, construction of a 3D-model, selection of the necessary material and the process of printing the product. Additionally, the paper gives brief characteristics of the repaired device and 3D-printer, as well as 3D-printing materials used in this study describing their advantages, disadvantages and cost characteristics. Technical and economic parameters are calculated and substantiated, for instance, the average market value of the

repaired device, the material cost of the manufactured repaired product based on the cost of working materials, time required to produce objects at their 50 % and 100 % filling of the material structure. Finally, the article summarizes the work done, giving brief recommendations on the possibilities for the subsequent use of 3D-printing in shipbuilding and ship repair.


Keywords: 3D-printing, additive manufacturing, 3D-printer, shipbuilding, ship repairing, ship engineering, ship systems, fire safety system, fire detector, protective cap.


UDC 629.5.067

About authors:

A.V. Dektyarev - Kaliningrad State Technical University (KSTU), Yantar Baltic Shipbuilding Plant, Kaliningrad,

P.R. Grishin - KSTU,

A.V. Pchelintsev - Yantar Baltic Shipbuilding Plant, Kaliningrad,

V.N. Morozov - PhD, associate professor, KSTU, Kaliningrad,

Pages: 87-95


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For citation: A.V. Dektyarev, P.R. Grishin, A.V. Pchelintsev, V.N. Morozov. Application of 3D-printing in marine engineering as exemplified by ship fire automatics system repair. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2019, No. 54/55, pp. 87-95.