The Atlas software. Objective and architecture. Methodological basis. Test results

The Atlas software. Objective and architecture. Methodological basis. Test results

Authors: V.N. Tryaskin, S.N. Ryumun, M.A. Kuteynikov

The article provides general information about the developed software for verification of hull structures of double hull oil tankers and bulk carriers according to the requirements of the IACS Common Structural Rules presenting the software architecture and the most informative software database development cases. Description of the software modules intended for verifying the compliance of hull structures with the IACS Common Structural Rules is also is considered. The article also describes a

simplified methodology of hull girder strength, hull local scantling, buckling and fatigue calculations according to the IACS Common Structural Rules requirements. Results of the hull structures verification in application to testing vessels are presented: to a double-hull supertanker and a large-capacity double-sided bulk cargo vessel, made using the software of the developed automated system.


Keywords: harmonized iacs rules, computer aided system, calculations for strength verification, hull structure, oil tankers, bulk carriers.


UDC 629.123

About authors: 

V.N. Tryaskin - DSc, professor, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg, e-mail:

S.N. Ryumun - PhD, associate professor, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg, e-mail:

M.A. Kuteynikov - DSc, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, St. Petersburg,

Pages: 106-127


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For citation: V.N. Tryaskin, S.N. Ryumun, M.A. Kuteynikov. The Atlas software. Objective and architecture. Methodological basis. Test results. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2019, No. 54/55, pp. 106-127.