Changes in IMO requirements for the energy efficiency design index (EEDI) of ice class ships

Changes in IMO requirements for the energy efficiency design index (EEDI) of ice class ships

Authors: A.V. Pustoshny, V.K. Shurpyak




The article highlights the summary of the work of Russian representatives in the IMO correspondence group for changing the requirements for the Energy Efficiency Design Index of sea-going ships. It contains the main arguments proposed by the Russian side as the background for specifying the requirements for Energy Efficiency Design Index of ice-class ships. The issues of potential exclusion of the ships of higher ice classes from IMO EEDI regulation, as well as relieving the EEDI requirements for ice class ships due to the impossibility of safe exploitation of energy saving devices on ice class ships. The data on the verification of Finland's proposals in regard to the improvement of correction coefficients for the 1ASuper and lower ice class ships.


Keywords: greenhouse gas emissions, ship energy efficiency, Energy Efficiency Design Index, ice-class ships.



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  7. MEPC 308(73). 2018 Guidelines on the method ofcalculation ofthe attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships. - http://
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  9. MEPC 322(74). Amendments to the 2018 Guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained energy efficiency design index (EEDI) for new ships (Resolution MEPC.308 (73)). -


About authors:

A.V. Pustoshny - DSc, Krylov State Research Center, e-mail:

V.K. Shurpyak - PhD, FAI "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping", St. Petersburg, e-mail:

Issue: 56/57 (2019)

For citation: A.V. Pustoshny, V.K. Shurpyak. Changes in IMO requirements for the energy efficiency design index (EEDI) of ice class ships. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2019, No. 56/57, pp. 7-18.

UDC 629.541 - 546; 629.5.021; 629.12.06-7

Pp: 7-18