Evaluation and comparison of transport and fuel efficiency of type C wig-aircraft of "airport - water area - airport" concept

Evaluation and comparison of transport and fuel efficiency of type C wig-aircraft of "airport - water area - airport" concept

Authors: A.N. Luchkov, S.A. Ermakov, E.Yu. Cheban, E.V. Zhuravlev




The focus of the current research was the analysis of cargo and passenger traffic in the world transport system in order to determine the outlook for using heavy wing-in-ground effect (WIG) aircraft for international air carriage, as well as to determine the most promising lines of their operation. The article presents elements of the methodology for calculating transport and fuel efficiency for heavy passenger and transport aircraft, as well as to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the type C WIG craft of "Airport - water area - airport" concept over the conventional aircraft. In the context of the given methodology and limitations the article makes comparison of the transport and fuel efficiency of WIG with those of the aircraft. The research has shown that the use of WIG for the transport of passengers and cargo will reduce the cost of operating the aircraft by 17 % and increase the value of the full commercial return from 50 to 70 %.


Keywords: transport efficiency, aircraft, WIG, world transport system.



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About authors:

A.N. Luchkov - Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), (MAI), Moscow, Volga State University of Water Transport (VGUVT), Nizhny Novgorod, e-mail: a.luchOK.n@gmail.com

S.A. Ermakov - DSc, professor, VGUVT, Nizhny Novgorod, e-mail: stas.ermakov8@gmail.com

E.Yu. Cheban - PhD, VGUVT, Nizhny Novgorod, e-mail: egor.cheban.2@gmail.com

E.V. Zhuravlev - MAI, Moscow, e-mail: e.zhuravlev_mai@mai.ru

Issue: 56/57 (2019)

For citation: A.N. Luchkov, S.A. Ermakov, E.Yu. Cheban, E.V. Zhuravlev. Evaluation and comparison of transport and fuel efficiency of type C wig-aircraft of "airport - water area - airport" concept. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2019, No. 56/57, pp. 26-39.


UDC 05.08.00

Pp: 26-39