Experimental determination in the dock of the ship transverse section characteristics determining its overall longitudinal strength
Authors: A.P. Anosov, S.O. Klimov, U.K. Sharapov, О.S. Sharinkova
In accordance with RS Rules, evaluation of longitudinal strength is performed by calculation based on results of residual thickness measurements of hull structures. The process of thickness measurement taking into account accompanying operations requires significant resources, especially for the ships, having the distinguishing mark ESP in the class notation. Experimental determination of the section modulus of hull cross sections is allowed by conducting special tests of the ship according to an RS-agreed program. The dependences for calculating of the geometric characteristics of the hull cross-section during its bending in the dock using inflatable elastic shells (IES) for the minimum number of measured parameters of its bending have been obtained. The dependences are given to determine the characteristics of the interaction between IES and the ship hull in different scenarios of their contact with the bottom of the ship. The permissible pressures in the IES are determined taking into account the RS Rules requirements for the local strength of the bottom grillage.
Keywords: longitudinal strength, residual strength of the hull, the geometric characteristics of the cross section of the hull, inflatable elastic shells.
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About authors:
A.P. Anosov - DSc, professor, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail: anosov49@mail.ru
S.O. Klimov - postgraduate, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail: liminid@mail.ru
U.K. Sharapov - FAI "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping", Nakhodka, e-mail: yksh@mail.ru
О.S. Sharinkova - Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail: sharinkova@mail.ru
Issue: 56/57 (2019)
For citation: A.P. Anosov, S.O. Klimov, U.K. Sharapov, О.S. Sharinkova. Experimental determination in the dock of the ship transverse section characteristics determining its overall longitudinal strength. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2018, No. 56/57, pp. 66-76.
UDC 621.74:624.012
Pp: 66-76
Fr: 8:30 – 16:15 (msk)