Calculating the influence of the external segments on the ice belt corrosion addition
Authors: V.A. Kulesh, N.G. Pec
The navigational characteristic of the Russian seas is extensive ice period, which leads to the higher strength requirements for domestically constructed ships than for foreign ones. Bought or chartered ships constructed in other countries usually require strengthening of the hull to be used for full-year navigation. Traditional methods are replacement of shell plating sheeting, installation of an intermediate frame, the modernization of the forward hull shape. Such methods are usually costly and require a large amount of preparation necessary to provide access to cramped bow spaces. Thus, various alternatives to the traditional methods of ice strengthening of the hull are important. The present article is devoted to the ship's hull strengthening in the form of external welded segments of various profiles. Such reinforcements can be installed on ships of all ice classes, but they are most suitable for low classes, up to and including Arc4. Their influence on the strength and wear of the shell outer plating has been analyzed. The results of the analysis show an ambiguous effect of said reinforcements on the structural strength. Thus, the assignment of the dimensions of the external reinforcements shall be based on the possible wear and tear. Analysis of the effect of the segments on the wear of the outer shell plating shows that their installation reduces the stock amount for the wear of the outer shell plating up to 30 %.
Keywords: ship hull, outer shell plating reinforcement, ice strength, ice reinforcement.
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About authors:
V.A. Kulesh - DSc, professor, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e mail:
N.G. Pec - Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail:
Issue: 56/57 (2019)
For citation: V.A. Kulesh, N.G. Pec. Calculating the influence of the external segments on the ice belt corrosion addition. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2019, No. 56/57, pp. 77-84.
UDC 629.12.001.24:681.32
Pp: 77-84