Model and functioning mechanism of ship ergatic management systems at purposeful structural changes
Author: Kukui Firmin Dzhivo
The relevance of the study is justified by the need to develop methods of effective management of ergatic ship control systems with changing structures. The paper gives a mathematical description of the functioning of the ship's ergatic control systems with variable structure. A mathematical model of switching modes of operation of ergatic control systems in the event of technical failures has been developed. For the development of this model, the model of culture of compliance with the state of the ship, the safety requirements set out in international conventions and national documents have been taken into account. It has been proved that the probability of restructuring of the ergatic control system and the periods of its specific states does not depend on the background of targeted changes. It has been concluded that the requirements for the data processing and display system (DPDS) software do not allow stopping or delay the processing and display of current data, and therefore the DPDS software should provide both the possibility of simultaneous processing and display of data and the possibility of sequential processing and display of data.
Keywords: ergatic control system, compliance culture, management culture, human element, technical failure, data processing and display system (DPDS), technical processes, reliability scheme, navigation risks, accident.
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About author:
Kukui Firmin Dzhivo - PhD, LLC "Gazpom neft shelf", Murmansk, e-mail:
Issue: 56/57 (2019)
For citation: Kukui Firmin Dzhivo. Model and functioning mechanism of ship ergatic management systems at purposeful structural changes. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2019, No. 56/57, pp. 123-133.
UDC 159.9: 656.61
Pp: 123-133
Fr: 8:30 – 16:15 (msk)