Author: M.V. Gomzyakov
The article contains an overview of marine casualties in maritime transport of the Far East in 2011 - 2018. The objective of the work is identifying the causes of marine casualties outcomes in transport ship management. This article provided a statistical analysis of final investigation reports of marine casualties for the above period. The degree of human factor impact on the accident rate has been determined. The analysis has shown that the basis of most marine casualties (89 %) is violation of the regulations for the ship management and operation of technical means. To reduce accidents, the investigation of the human factor is considered necessary in order to improve its quality.
Keywords: safety of navigation, human factor, marine casualties, ship operation, ship technical means.
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About author:
M.V. Gomzyakov - PhD, assistant professor, Far Eastern Directorate for State Maritime Supervision of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport, Vladivostok, e-mail:
Issue: 58/59 (2020)
For citation: M.V. Gomzyakov. Overview of maritime transport casualties in the Far East. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 58/59, pp. 4-10.
UDC 629.12.001.2
Pp: 4-10
Fr: 8:30 – 16:15 (msk)