Author: S.O. Ageev
The article considers the possibility of building a Nizhny Novgorod low-pressure hydroelectric facility to improve navigation conditions on the Volga river (Gorodets - Nizhny Novgorod section) in terms of providing overall depths. In order to determine possible problems for passing vessels at the stage of its operation, tasks have been set to determine changes in the hydrological regime, both upstream and downstream of the low-pressure hydroelectric unit, as well as to develop recommendations for improving the water regime of the river section below its target. Based on the results of the analysis of changes in navigation costs through the Nizhny Novgorod hydroelectric station, calculations and predictions of the water regime in the range of the created hydroelectric facility, it is proposed to introduce flow control on its spillway, the possibility of which is justified in previous works. The article presents the results of calculations for daily flow control by a reservoir created by a low-pressure hydroelectric unit. Graphs illustrating the possibilities of providing navigable depths under different boundary conditions are also shown. As an example, we consider the flow discharges of different probability passing through the target site of the Nizhny Novgorod hydroelectric station for each month in 2017.
Keywords: water flow discharge, transport pass, low-pressure hydroelectric unit, daily flow regulation, integrated flow curve.
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About author:
S.O. Ageev - Administration of the Volga basin of inland waterways, Nizhny Novgorod, e-mail:
Issue: 58/59 (2020)
For citation: S.O. Ageev. Results of calculation of daily flow regulation parameters in the range of a low-pressure hydraulic unit and its efficiency evaluation. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 58/59, pp. 19-29.
UDC 627.15
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Fr: 8:30 – 16:15 (msk)