Constructive and technological analysis of 3D-printing application for the ventilation system repair using the engine cooling impeller as an example

Constructive and technological analysis of 3D-printing application for the ventilation system repair using the engine cooling impeller as an example

Authors: A.V. Dektyarev, P.R. Grishin, A.V. Pchelintsev, V.N. Morozov


This article presents a procedure for repairing a ship's ventilation system on the example of an engine cooling motor impeller on the ship under construction at Yantar Baltic shipbuilding plant using additive technologies. Theretofore the data is provided on the repaired object, the features of its operation, manufacturing procedures, design, operation modes and information on the most frequent failures. Based on the analysis of operation modes and destructive factors, the article justifies the choice of material for printing with its strength characteristics and manufacturing technology indicating the temperature modes of 3D-printer operations. During the constructive and technological analysis of the product, the study for its optimization for 3D-printing has been conducted. The impeller has been considered in four versions of printing technology, and on the basis of feasibility study taking into account printing costs and time, and also the final design option, the optimal printing technology has been selected.

Keywords: 3D-printing, additive manufacturing, 3D-printers, shipbuilding, ship repairing, ship engineering, ship systems, impeller, thermoplastics, ventilation system.


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About authors:

A.V. Dektyarev - Kaliningrad State Technical University (KSTU), Yantar Baltic Shipbuilding Plant, Kaliningrad, e-mail:

P.R. Grishin - KSTU, Kaliningrad, e-mail:

A.V. Pchelintsev - Yantar Baltic Shipbuilding Plant, Kaliningrad, e-mail:

V.N. Morozov - PhD, associate professor, KSTU, Kaliningrad, e-mail:

Issue: 58/59 (2020)

For citation: A.V. Dektyarev, P.R. Grishin, A.V. Pchelintsev, V.N. Morozov. Constructive and technological analysis of 3D-printing application for the ventilation system repair using the engine cooling impeller as an example. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 58/59, pp. 64-70.

UDC 629.5.01

Pp: 64-70