Authors: G.P. Kicha, L.A. Semenuk, M.I. Tarasov, A.V. Nadezhkin
The article presents the results of operational tests of standard and experimental oil cleaners for internal combustion engines, giving the description of the complete sets formed on the basis of new filter elements with high quality cleaning and long service life. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the cleaners has been carried out according to the condition of used engine oil and marine diesel engine. The effect of the concentration of insoluble contaminants on the quality and duration of the oil refining process has been noted. Based on the results of the experiment, a comparison of the effectiveness of regular and refitted oil cleaners included in the lubrication systems of marine auxiliary diesel engines has been made. Conclusions have been drawn as to the need to modernize existing systems for cleaning engine oil through the use of filtering elements of the surface type from cellulosic materials. Furthermore, it has been shown that the use of full-flow fine filters of engine oil in marine diesel engine lubrication systems contributes to reliable protection of engine tribological conjugations from abrasive particles, ensures its deep cleaning from fine insoluble impurities, which makes it possible to reduce maintenance work and increase engine resource life.
Keywords: engine oil cleaning, lubrication system, marine diesel, engine wear, insoluble impurities.
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About authors:
G.P. Kicha - DSc, professor, Maritime state university named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoy (Admiral Nevelskoy Maritime State University), Vladivostok, e-mail:
L.A. Semenuk - Admiral Nevelskoy Maritime State University, Vladivostok
M.I. Tarasov - Admiral Nevelskoy Maritime State University, Vladivostok
A.V. Nadezhkin - DSc, professor, Admiral Nevelskoy Maritime State University, Vladivostok
Issue: 58/59 (2020)
For citation: G.P. Kicha, L.A. Semenuk, M.I. Tarasov, A.V. Nadezhkin. Operational efficiency of full-flow fine cleaning of engine oil in marine auxiliary diesel engines. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 58/59, pp. 71-80.
UDC 621.43.013 -629.3
Pp: 71-80