Capacity regulation of volume pumps

Author: N.M. Podvolotsky


In accordance with the requirements of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments of 2004 (hereinafter the Convention), it is necessary to perform a complete drainage of ballast tanks with each deballasting in order to reduce biological pollution of the sea. Due to the necessity to comply with this requirement, interest in the efficiency of stripping tanks using ship pumps has increased. Normally cleaning of tanks is carried out by pumps of volumetric type with self-priming. According to the convention, the quality of stripping must also be ensured by modelling ballast overflow through the bottom set of tanks. Based on the above, a mathematical description of the process of regulating the delivery of volumetric-type pumps to ensure the simulation of stripping of vessel tanks has been made. In describing the process of regulating the flow of pumps, the concept of the operating point of the system is used, which allows determining the parameters of the pump and system in real time.

Keywords: pumps of volume types, capacity regulation, change of velocity, change of flow direction, change of flow by ring-pipe, change of flow in to drying tank, energy consumption, efficiency.


  1. Mezhdunarodnaya Konventsiya po kontrolyu i upravleniyu ballastom i osadkami 2004 goda, [The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments]. IMO, 2004.

  2. Podvolotskiy N.M. Opredelenie rabochey tochki dlya sudovykh truboprovodnykh sistem analiticheskim sposobom. [Analytical determination of a working point for ship pipelines] Transport of Russian Federation. No. 1(44) 2013, pp. 68 - 70.

  3. Podvolotskiy N.M. Analiticheskoe opisanie universalnykh kharakteristik sudovykh nasosov.  [Analytical description of universal characteristics of ship pumps] Management of marine transport. 2013. № 1 (71), pp.51 - 57.

About author: 

N.M. Podvolotsky - DSc, professor, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Saint Petersburg, e-mail:

Issue: 58/59 (2020)

For citation: N.M. Podvolotsky. Capacity regulation of volume pumps. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 58/59, pp. 80-88.

UDC 621.25

Pp: 80-88