Alternative method of boiler plant maintenance

Alternative method of boiler plant maintenance

Authors: M.A. Maksimova, S.A. Petrakov


A boiler plant is a complex of related thermal devices and mechanisms. These mechanisms are composed of automatic control, regulation and alarm systems. Maintenance affects the reliability of the boiler plant. The quality of maintenance depends on the diagnostics of the boiler plant condition. The quality of maintenance depends on the ability to predict the course of events. For this reason, it is important to develop a maintenance system based on the actual technical state is important. The article discusses the algorithm of the time-series data processing of the controlled parameters of the boiler plant. This algorithm enables organizing the maintenance run-time prediction procedure of the boiler equipment on the actual technical state. The article discusses an example of the time-series data processing of the controlled parameters of the boiler plant installation using the "TO&R" program.

Keywords: boiler plant, technical state, reliability, technical diagnostics system, monitoring, algorithm, functionality prediction.


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About authors: 

M.A. Maksimova - PhD, associate professor, Saint-Petersburg State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg, e-mail:

S.A. Petrakov - Faraday Engineering LLC, St. Petersburg, e-mail:

Issue: 58/59 (2020)

For citation: M.A. Maksimova, S.A. Petrakov. Alternative method of boiler plant maintenance. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 58/59, pp. 88-95.

UDC 681.518.5

Pp: 88-95