Developing requirements for permissible operating conditions for ships of restricted area of navigation R3

Developing requirements for permissible operating conditions for ships of restricted area of navigation R3

Authors: Yu.I. Efimenkov, I.S. Onishchenko, A.V. Didkovskiy




The requirements of the RS Rules for ships of restricted area of navigation R3 have been considered. Proposals on the assignment of operating conditions for such vessels have been developed based on various criteria. Long-term wind-wave operating conditions in various marine navigation areas, restriction of allowable waves and the speed of ships of various purposes have been taken into account. Systematic calculations have been made to assign R3 area of navigation ships the distance of operation according to various criteria. The allowable distance between the places of refuge have been detailed in particular areas of the open seas characterized by storm wind waves. Additions to the RS Rules specifying the of allowable conditions for operation of R3 area of navigation ships have been proposed. These include additional restrictions on the wave regime, distance from the places of refuge and the coastline. At the same time, such distances vary depending on the fulfillment of the weather criteria.


Keywords: restricted area of navigation R3, operating conditions, maritime safety assessment, distance from places of refuge, RS Rules.



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About authors:

Yu.I. Efimenkov - PhD, JSC "CNIIMF", St. Petersburg, e-mail:

I.S. Onishchenko - JSC "CNIIMF", St. Petersburg, e-mail:

A.V. Didkovskiy - FAI "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping", St. Petersburg, e-mail:

Issue: 60/61 (2020)

For citation: Yu.I. Efimenkov, I.S. Onishchenko, A.V. Didkovskiy. Developing requirements for permissible operating conditions for ships of restricted area of navigation R3. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 60/61, pp. 22-28.

UDC 629.5.011; 629.12.004

Pp: 22-28