Selection of the optimal number of tank trucks and characteristics of system for delivery of gas fuel to ships

Selection of the optimal number of tank trucks and characteristics of system for delivery of gas fuel to ships

Author: M.V. Vlasiev




The article considers and analyzes the urgent problem of the possibility of bunkering ships with gas fuel using cryogenic tank trucks. The method of choosing the optimal required number of tank trucks for fuel delivery has been proposed based on queuing theory. The obtained dependencies allow performing a feasibility study and carrying out a scientifically based choice of a delivery scheme depending on the volume of fuel delivered. The main factors that influence on economic efficiency of the fuel delivery system in regard to the carrier are determined. The article describes an approach to determining the gas fuel reserve to ensure uninterrupted bunkering of ships when delivered by tank trucks which takes into account the intensity of the tankers and bunkering ships arrival at the bunkering point. An example of solving the optimization problem of determining the required composition of tank trucks for fuel delivery to a nominal port has also been presented.


Keywords: tank truck, bunkering, model of functioning, optimization, efficiency, liquefied natural gas, shore tank.



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About author:

M.V. Vlasiev - PhD, Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg, e-mail:

Issue: 60/61 (2020)

For citation: M.V. Vlasiev. Selection of the optimal number of tank trucks and characteristics of system for delivery of gas fuel to ships. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 60/61, pp. 37-48.

UDC 614.846.9: 629.561.4

Pp: 37-48