Authors: A.V. Zhidkov, F.S. Peplin, V.V. Shabarov
This paper considers the impact of the air compressibility effect on dynamics of air cushion vehicles and surface effect ships. It has been demonstrated that model tests based on Froude number do not consider compressibility of the air. The results of the numerical simulations presented in this paper has shown that neglecting the air compressibility may lead to significant errors in predicting ship's seakeeping behavior by scaling results from model tests. The results of this paper have been based both on the theoretical analysis of the mass balance equation applied for the air cushion zone and on the vehicle's dynamics simulations in time domain. The latter approach has used the system of differential equations which consists of rigid body equations, equations describing air cushion pressure evolution and equations that allow to calculate forces on the ship's hulls. The model of the irregular sea waves has been used. The method presented here allows to calculate correction terms that may be used to increase precision of the model tests in any given operational conditions.
Keywords: air-cushion vehicle, dynamics, seakeeping, model tests, Froude number.
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About authors:
A.V. Zhidkov - associate professor. Lobachevsky State University, Nizhniy Novgorod, e-mail:
F.S. Peplin - associate professor. Lobachevsky State University, Nizhniy Novgorod, e-mail:
V.V. Shabarov - associate professor, associate professor. Lobachevsky State University, Nizhniy Novgorod, e-mail:
Issue: 60/61 (2020)
For citation: A.V. Zhidkov, F.S. Peplin, V.V. Shabarov. Scaling effect in air cushion vessels dynamics. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 60/61, pp. 56-65.
UDC 629.12
Pp: 56-65