Author: D.A. Shatrovsky
In modern boiler designs, beginning with boilers of KWG34K, there is a tendency to use multi-sectional superheaters. To protect the tubes of the last section from overheating, it is recommended that heat calculation ofsuch a superheater is done with accuracy, i.e. consecutively, one at a time. As result, this helps determine what causes unequal temperature distribution behind the superheater, while enabling the correct estimation of the temperature of metal. Furthermore, it is necessary to make allowance for a larger surface than normal to obtain constant superheater steam temperature over the required range of the boiler output. However, the quantity of a steam, turning in to desuperheater, must be less 40 % of the nominal boiler output if it is located inside water drum.
Keywords: ships boiler, U-tubes superheater, section, the temperature of gases, series calculation, excess surface, water-cooled attemperator, control temperature system.
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About author:
D.A. Shatrovsky - PhD, professor, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, St. Petersburg, e-mail:
Issue: 60/61 (2020)
For citation: D.A. Shatrovsky. Features of heat calculation in U-tube superheater of main ship boilers. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 60/61, pp. 90-94.
UDC 621.184.3.4
Pp: 90-94