Modern and perspective static electric power sources for marine ships

Modern and perspective static electric power sources for marine ships

Authors: A.V. Grigoryev, R.R. Zaynullin, S.M. Malyshev




The article considers static electric power sources, which have become widespread on modern sea-going ships. The use of static sources of traditional types is to provide emergency power supply and electric starting of generator sets. In recent years, due to the rise of fuel prices and the tightening of environmental requirements, the use of static sources as the main sources, including on ships with electric propulsion systems, has become relevant. Recent advances in the field of power electronics and the appearance of new electrical materials with high specific characteristics have made it possible to create promising new generation static power sources that meet the relevant requirements and can be used in an autonomous operation mode as the main electric power source or in a buffer mode. Turning off the main generator sets and switching to power from static electric power sources operating in an autonomous mode can reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere and reduce the overall level of noise. The use of static power sources in the buffer mode can significantly reduce fuel consumption in dynamic modes of operation of the electric propulsion system. The article contains a nomenclature of types, describes the principle of operation, method's advantages and disadvantages, the field of application of promising new generation static electric power sources, which include accumulator batteries on a new element base, supercapacitors, solar batteries, fuel cells. Their characteristics and field of application are shown, a comparative analysis is presented in order to study the need to correct the requirements of the Register of Shipping in relation to promising new generation static electric power sources.


Keywords: accumulator battery, static electric power source, li-ion accumulator battery, supercapacitor, solar battery, fuel cell, ship electric power system, electric propulsion system, autonomous mode, buffer mode.



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About authors: 

A.V. Grigoryev - PhD, assistant professor, Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University, JSC "RPC "Ship electric propulsion", St. Petersburg, e-mail:

R.R. Zaynullin - JSC "RPC "Ship electric propulsion", St. Petersburg, e-mail:

S.M. Malyshev - Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University, JSC "RPC "Ship electric propulsion", St. Petersburg, e-mail:

Issue: 60/61 (2020)

For citation: A.V. Grigoryev, R.R. Zaynullin, S.M. Malyshev. Modern and perspective static electric power sources for marine ships. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 60/61, pp. 95-101.

UDC 629.12:621.316

Pp: 95-101