Authors: A.V. Kobelev, Yu.Yu. Shvaneva
This article is dedicated to the automation of hull work preparation based on the software suite which was developed by specialists of design bureau AO "PO "Sevmash" and which is tried-and-true as the high performance software for completing difficult production tasks. The necessity thereof arises from the state's policy oriented on the import substitution that presupposes aiding tried-and-true domestic scientific and technological designs. The principles that have been incorporated into the software: the independence ofdesign systems, end to end digital project design from computer part sketches to Numerical Control output, user-friendly interface, mastering it at ease, high performance, maximum possible taking submarine shipbuilding technology into account have shown in practice the possibility of creating a competitive domestic software product for shipbuilding work preparation. The further prospects of developing the program complex is designing the ship technological model. The advantages were described in this article, and ways of using the technological model in automation of manufacture preparation were outlined.
Keywords: automation, hull work preparation, technological model, import substitution.
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About authors:
A.V. Kobelev - DB, JSC "PO "Sevmash", Severodvinsk, Russia
Yu.Yu. Shvaneva - PhD, DB JSC "PO "Sevmash", Severodvinsk, e-mail:
Issue: 60/61 (2020)
For citation: A.V. Kobelev, Yu.Yu. Shvaneva. Improvement of hull work preparation based on the technological ship model. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 60/61, pp. 102-107.
UDC 004.8:629.5
Pp: 102-107
Fr: 8:30 – 16:15 (msk)