Author: M.V. Gomzyakov
The article contains an overview of breakdowns of marine diesel engines and systems on marine vessels of the Far East for the first half of 2014. An analysis of the failure causes of failures reveals the role of the human factor in creating an emergency. Crew noncompliance with minimum competency standards and violation of mandatory regulatory requirements by staff is the cause of most accidents at sea. It has been noted that crew mistakes can be systematically analyzed and structured. The final aim of the study was to assess the structure of deviant activity caused by human element. Investigation of accidents at sea, taking into account violations of maritime law, seems to be a promising approach to improve the safety of navigation.
Keywords: accidents at sea, human factor, marine power plants, ship technical means, competency standards.
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About author:
M.V. Gomzyakov - PhD, assistant professor, Far Eastern Directorate for State Maritime Supervision of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport, Vladivostok, Russia, e-mail:
Issue: 60/61 (2020)
For citation: M.V. Gomzyakov. Analysis of equipment failures on marine ships in the Far Eastern region in 2014. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 60/61, pp. 108-113.
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Fr: 8:30 – 16:15 (msk)