Model of psychoemotional aspects in navigation and their influence on the quality of decision-making management while watchkeeping

Model of psychoemotional aspects in navigation and their influence on the quality of decision-making management while watchkeeping

Author: Kukui Firmin Dzhivo




The general level of accident rate on the world's marine fleet has been showing the tendency for decreasing. However, according to International Maritime Organization (IMO) data, accidents at sea for the most part are caused by the human factor in general, and by the seafarers' fatigue in particular. IMO has substantially revised regulations and guidelines concerning fatigue mitigation, recognizing that the problem of seafarers' fatigue requires comprehensive approach and an effective solution. The paper studies the fatigue effect of the ship personnel on effectiveness of watchkeeping organizational and technical system. For the first time a mathematical model of "fatigue accumulation — effect" of a ship personal in the workplace has been made. Within the developed model, it is possible to formulate measures to prevent or eliminate the fatigue effect on ship's specialist from watchkeeping crew at their workplace. To compile this model, methods well-known in the theory of probability and mathematical statistics have been used. It has been proved that the inevitability of the fatigue effect on the functioning of the wacthkeeping system requires a probabilistic assessment of the occurrence of the failure due to the professional deformation of the form "the fatigue accumulation — effect" in the performance of sea watchkeeping. To assess the probability of failure in the organizational system of watchkeeping in the qualifying work, a working formula for calculating the coefficient of readiness of the system for such failure has been proposed.


Keywords: human element, competence, culture, fatigue, emergency, management efficiency, accident, psychological factor, profectional portrait, work place, professional deformation, leadership.



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About author: 

Kukui Firmin Dzhivo - PhD, LCC "Gazpomneft-Prirazlomnoye", Murmansk, e-mail:

Issue: 60/61 (2020)

For citation: Kukui Firmin Dzhivo. Model of psychoemotional aspects in navigation and their influence on the quality of decision-making management while watchkeeping. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2020, No. 60/61, pp. 113-122.

UDC 159.9: 656.61

Pp: 113-122