Methodological basis for the calualtion of ice loads acting on an icebreaker's hull based on a new model of dynamic ice fracture

Methodological basis for the calualtion of ice loads acting on an icebreaker's hull based on a new model of dynamic ice fracture

Authors: V.V. Platonov, V.N. Tryaskin




The hull shape of modern icebreakers can significantly differ from the traditional one covered by requirements of the acting RS Rules. The application of the existing Rule formulations to determine ice loads on icebreaker hull of unusual shape can potentially lead to an error in load prediction. The application of the existing formulations to the vertical hull is not even feasible at present. Currently determination of the calculated ice loads on the middle and aft ice reinforcement areas of icebreakers is based on a conservative. approach, which does not take into account real physical aspects of the interaction between the icebreaker's hull and ice under various operating modes. This article provides a description of the methodological foundations for the development of design dependencies for determining ice loads on ice reinforcement structures of icebreakers. Design dependencies cover the bow, middle and stern regions. They are based on a new model of ice dynamic fracture, and developed with a view of their implementation into the RS Rules.


Keywords: icebreaker, areas of ice reinforcement, calculated dependencies, model of dynamic ice destruction.



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About authors: 

V.V. Platonov - PhD, Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg, e-mail:

V.N. Tryaskin - DSc, professor, St. Petersburg state marine technical university, St. Petersburg, e-mail:

Issue: 62/63 (2021)

For citation: V.V. Platonov, V.N. Tryaskin. Methodological basis for the calualtion of ice loads acting on an icebreaker's hull based on a new model of dynamic ice fracture. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2021, No. 62/63, pp. 78-88.

UDC 629.5.011; 629.561.5

Pp: 78-88