Assessment of the possibility to apply current requirements of RS rules to berth-connected ships ice reinforcement

Assessment of the possibility to apply current requirements of RS rules to berth-connected ships ice reinforcement

Authors: V.N. Tryaskin, V.V. Platonov, I.A. Svistunov




The existing provisions of the RS Rules and the rules of other classification societies do not have special requirements for ice reinforcement of berth-connected ships. On the other hand, issues have risen of late as to ensuring ice strengthening, especially for large-capacity berth-connected ships such as floating terminals for hydrocarbons receiving/storing/transshipment, and the number of such cases is likely to increase in the future. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to assess the possibility of applying the requirements for ice strengthening structures of the current RS Rules to berth-connected ships and to develop special requirements for ensuring the ice strength of large-capacity berth-connected ships for further implementation into the Rules. New ice class marks for berth-connected ships have been proposed based on the area of ship service.


Keywords: Rules of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, berth-connected ships, ice compression, ice load, probability distribution law, probability of exceedance.



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About authors:

V.N. Tryaskin - DSc, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg, e-mail: ru.

V.V. Platonov - PhD, Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg, e-mail: viktorplatonov@yandex ru.

I.A. Svistunov - Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, e-mail: svistunoff.ivan@yandex ru.

Issue: 62/63 (2021)

For citation: V.N. Tryaskin, V.V. Platonov, I.A. Svistunov. Assessment of the possibility to apply current requirements of RS rules to berth-connected ships ice reinforcement. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2021, No. 62/63, pp. 89-99.

UDC 629.12; 629.5.015.4

Pp: 89-99