Influence of laser treatment mode settings on the structure and dimensions of gray cast iron hardened area

Influence of laser treatment mode settings on the structure and dimensions of gray cast iron hardened area

Authors: I.I. Kuleshov, E.P. Patenkova




Various methods for change of the surface properties of shipboard technical means parts by laser processing have been developed at present, making it possible, unlike with traditional methods of processing, to create structures in the surface layers that possess a qualitatively new set of properties leading to an increase in the performance properties of shipboard equipment of parts, in particular, to wear resistance. The required depth, hardness, absence of defects in the laser impact zone, and the roughness of the hardened surface can be reached by varying the power density and the processing speed. The choice of processing mode primarily depends on economic feasibility, since laser processing, of large-sized parts at low speeds, is generally a very expensive technology. The article is aimed at the consideration of the influence of the laser hardening with surface melting on change in the structure and depth of the laser impact zone with regard to gray pearlitic cast iron with various chemical composition.


Keywords: laser treatment, gray cast iron, pearlite, melting zone depth, processing modes, thermal hardening, structure.



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About authors: 

I.I. Kuleshov - Representative Office of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping in the Republic of Korea, Geoje, e-mail:

E.P. Patenkova - PhD, Maritime State University named after G.I. Nevelskoy, Vladivostok, e-mail: Patenkova@msun ru

Issue: 62/63 (2021)

For citation: I.I. Kuleshov, E.P. Patenkova. Influence of laser treatment mode settings on the structure and dimensions of gray cast iron hardened area. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2021, No. 62/63, pp. 106-113.

UDC 621.375.826

Pp: 106-113