Methodology to determine the stiffness coefficient of deadwood bearings

Methodology to determine the stiffness coefficient of deadwood bearings

Authors: A.A. Khalyavkin, D.O. Shatskov, V.A. Mamontov, A.Y. Auslender




The paper considers the ship's shafting, the main purpose of which is the transmission of torque from the engine to the screw and the perception of axial force from the screw to the hull of the ship. The criterion for the efficiency of the ship's shaft line is the amount of wear of deadwood bearings. At a certain amount of wear, the stress-strain state of the shafting increases. In this paper, calculations have been used to determine the standard values of the permissible gap between the propeller shaft and the bearing, depending on their size and bearing material. The design scheme of the ship's shafting on elastic supports of the stiffness coefficient has been presented. A method for determining the bearing stiffness coefficient taking into account wear and elastic properties for different bearing materials has been proposed. The effect of wear on the contact length of the propeller shaft with the deadwood bearing has also been determined.


Keywords: shafting, deadwood bearing, stiffness coefficient, wear, gap, service life, vibrations, resonance, reliability.



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About authors: 

A.A. Khalyavkin - PhD, "Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan" LLC, Astrakhan, e-mail:

D.O. Shatskov - PhD, Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, e-mail:

V.A. Mamontov - DSc, Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan

A.Ya. Auslender - Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, e-mail: auslender.anna@mail ru

Issue: 62/63 (2021)

For citation: A.A. Khalyavkin, D.O. Shatskov, V.A. Mamontov, A.Y. Auslender. Methodology to determine the stiffness coefficient of deadwood bearings. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2021, No. 62/63, pp. 114-120.

UDC 629.5

Pp: 114-120