Authors: L.N. Tokarev, D.A. Makarov, A.V. Grigoryev
This article discusses the features of operation of the propulsion motor as part of the ship electric propulsion system with a semiconductor converter. The experience in operating electric propulsion systems and the results of computer simulation show that when the propulsion motor is powered from a semiconductor converter, short-duration voltage surges can be observed in the electrical network that significantly exceed the rated value. The appearance of a high pulse voltage is associated with the pulse-width modulation of transistors of an autonomous inverter within the semiconductor converter. The presence of pulses may lead to breakdown of the propulsion motor insulation and failure of the electric propulsion system. To assess the risk of overvoltage in the power supply circuit of the propulsion motor, it is necessary to simulate physical processes in the ship electric propulsion system at the engineering design stage. To confirm the results obtained by calculation, it is also advisable to conduct experimental studies of overvoltage on the windings of propulsion motor on physical models using a prototype semiconductor frequency converter.
Keywords: electric ship propulsion, electric propulsion motor, semiconductor converters.
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About authors:
L.N. Tokarev - DSc, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, St. Petersburg
D.A. Makarov - PhD, JSC "Aerospace systems", Dubna
A.V. Grigoryev - PhD, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, St. Petersburg, e-mail: info@eds-marine ru
Issue: 62/63 (2021)
For citation: L.N. Tokarev, D.A. Makarov, A.V. Grigoryev. Features of propulsion motors operation as a part of ship electric propulsion systems with semiconductor converters. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2021, No. 62/63, pp. 131-137.
UDC 629.5.035-83