Development of the draft requirements for the value of global ice loads acting on azimuth thrusters fitted on arctic Arc4 — Arc9 ice class ships
Authors: A.V. Andryushin, S.S. Fedoseev, M.A. Kuteynikov
The article presents the main results of the research work "Development of the draft Register requirements for the value of the global ice loads acting on the azimuth thruster to be included in Section 19, Part XVII of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships". The work includes the development of draft requirements for the value of the global ice load acting on the azimuth thruster of Arctic ships of Arc4 — Arc9 ice classes. In the course of the research work ship's movement regimes in ice as well as morphological and strength characteristics of ice formations depending on the class of the ship have been analyzed. Scenarios for the interaction between azimuth thrusters and ice as well as physical models of ice crushing due to the interaction of ice formations with the elements of azimuth thrusters have been developed. The article presents the results of calculating the ice loads on the elements of the azimuth thrusters in accordance with the developed draft requirements for ice ships of Arc5 and Arc7 ice classes. Comparative analysis of loads was carried out according to the developed draft requirements and DNV Rules for classes PC6 and PC3.
Keywords: azimuth thruster, ice ships, icebreaker, double-acting ship, ridge, level ice, movement behind the icebreaker, leaving the channel, piling on the edge of the channel, ridge keel, consolidated part.
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About authors:
A.V. Andryushin - DSc, Central Marine Research and Design Institute, St. Petersburg
S.S. Fedoseev - Central Marine Research and Design Institute, St. Petersburg
M.A. Kuteynikov - DSc, FAI "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping", St. Petersburg
Issue: 64/65 (2021)
For citation: A.V. Andryushin, S.S. Fedoseev, M.A. Kuteynikov. Development of the draft requirements for the value of global ice loads acting on azimuth thrusters fitted on arctic Arc4 — Arc9 ice class ships. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2021, No. 64/65, pp. 37-57.
UDC 629.129.791
Pp: 37-57