Active ice protection of offshore oil and gas facilities

Active ice protection of offshore oil and gas facilities

Authors: A.P. Anosov, N.I. Voskovschuk




A significant part of the oil and gas fields are located in the offshore zones of the freezing seas, and their development involves the use of fixed drilling platforms that need ice protection either all year round or for several months of the year. A significant part of the protective devices is represented by passive structural protection. The most effective, active methods of protection involve the preventive destruction of the ice cover. The article describes a patent-protected device for active ice protection of offshore oil and gas facilities, presenting the results of the study of the influence of the design features of the device on its efficiency: It has been shown that the optimal angle of inclination of the conical parts from the point of view of the effectiveness of the device is approximately 50°. The installation of plates on the conical part of the device providing the formation of incisions on the edge of the ice, which reduce the resistance of the ice to the formation of brittle cracks, has been justified. The possibility of replacing the smooth conical part of the device with a stepped cone has also been demonstrated.


Keywords: anti-ice protection of drilling platforms, devices for active protection, design of devices for active protection, the effectiveness of devices for active protection.



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About authors:


A.P. Anosov - DSc, professor, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

N.I. Voskovschuk - PhD, professor, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

Issue: 64/65 (2021)

For citation: A.P. Anosov, N.I. Voskovschuk. Active ice protection of offshore oil and gas facilities. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2021, No. 64/65, pp. 58-67.

UDC 629.5.02:624.042.43

Pp: 58-67