Authors: A.V. Grigoryev, S.M. Malyshev, A.Yu. Vasilyev
In recent years, semiconductor power converters have been increasingly used in ship's electric power systems. Semiconductor power converters are used in ship's electric propulsion systems, frequency-controlled electric drive, valve-type generator sets. The use of semiconductor power converters leads to a decrease in the quality of electricity in the ship's network, in particular, the increase of voltage harmonic components distortion. The Rules of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) regulate the maximum permissible distortion in the ship's mains, which is necessary for the proper functioning of ship electrical equipment. Various solutions are applied to improve the quality of electrical power supply, including filter-compensating devices, three-winding transformers, electric machine converters. The article analyzes the circuit design solutions of ship's electric power systems and ship's electric propulsion systems allowing to reduce the voltage harmonic components distortion in the ship mains.
Keywords: semiconductor converter of electric power, electric propulsion system, quality of electric power, voltage harmonic components distortion.
About authors:
A.V. Grigoryev - PhD, JSC "NPC "Electrodvizhenie sudov", St. Petersburg
S.M. Malyshev - JSC "NPC "Electrodvigenie sudov", St. Petersburg
A.Yu. Vasilyev - JSC "NPC "Electrodvigenie sudov", St. Petersburg
Issue: 64/65 (2021)
For citation: A.V. Grigoryev, S.M. Malyshev, A.Yu. Vasilyev. Electromagnetic compatibility of ship electrical equipment on ships with electric propulsion. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2021, No. 64/65, pp. 103-109.
UDC 629.123:621.31
Pp: 103-109