Conceptual regulatory and technical aspects of marine operations requirements development

Conceptual regulatory and technical aspects of marine operations requirements development

Authors: N.A. Waldman, F.D. Vinogradov, V.N. Ilyukhin, V.I. Tarovik




The article discusses the feasibility of extending the scope of technical supervision of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) to marine rescue operations in order to ensure the safe operation of offshore platforms at all stages of their life cycle during the development of oil and gas and mineral deposits on the continental shelf. The current Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine Operations apply only to operations for the assembly, transportation, towing, docking and installation of an object and its parts, performed while the object or any of its parts are afloat, or using watercraft. The article presents the main conceptual provisions developed through a comprehensive and systematic understanding of the problems associated with marine rescue, within the framework of a single interdisciplinary scientific approach, for the subsequent development of the RS Rules for planning and execution of marine rescue operations of offshore oil and gas facilities.


Keywords: emergency situation, marine operations, marine rescue operations, search and rescue operation, normative regulation, safety of marine activities, offshore platform.



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About authors:


N.A. Waldman - PhD, Krylov State Research Center, St. Petersburg

F.D. Vinogradov - Scientific and Technical Society of Shipbuilders named after A.N. Krylov, St. Petersburg

V.N. Ilyukhin - DSc, Scientific and Technical Society of Shipbuilders named after A.N. Krylov, St. Petersburg

V.I. Tarovik - PhD, Krylov State Research Center, St. Petersburg, e-mail:

Issue: 64/65 (2021)

For citation: N.A. Waldman, F.D. Vinogradov, V.N. Ilyukhin, V.I. Tarovik. Conceptual regulatory and technical aspects of marine operations requirements development. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2021, No. 64/65, pp. 145-155.

UDC 627.772

Pp: 145-155