Authors: O.S. Sharinkova, A.P. Anosov, I.A. Novoseltsev
One of the most easily damaged structures of a ship when sailing in ice are the elements of the propeller-rudder complex (PRC). Despite this, there is little information in the scientific, technical, and regulatory literature on the issue of protecting the PRC from the effects of ice. The article considers a new constructive anti-ice protection of the PRC in combination with a variable profile rudder, protected by two patents for inventions. With the use of the SolidWorks software product, a calculated comparative assessment of the hydrodynamic characteristics of an ordinary rudder and a variable profile rudder in combination with anti-ice protection has been performed. The effectiveness of the steering gear of an ice navigation ship equipped with the proposed anti-ice protection using a variable profile rudder has been confirmed.
Keywords: anti-ice protection of the propeller-rudder complex of ships, variable profile of a ship rudder, hydrodynamic characteristics of a ship rudder.
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About authors:
O.S. Sharinkova - FSBI of Scientific Service "National Operator of the Research Fleet", Vladivostok, e-mail:
A.P. Anosov - DSc, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail:
I.A. Novoseltsev - Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, e-mail:
Issue: 66/67 (2022)
For citation: O.S. Sharinkova, A.P. Anosov, I.A. Novoseltsev. Comparative evaluation of hydrodynamic characteristics of variable profile rudder as a part of ice class ship propulsion complex. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2022, No. 66/67, pp. 49-57.
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