Author: N.M. Podvolotsky
The article considers hydromechanical model of cargo-ballast operations of a tanker is considered, including the process of stripping tanks in accordance with the requirements of Ballast Water Management Convention of 2004. The model takes into account ship trim, stability, strength of the hull, physical properties of the pumped cargo and ballast; the shape and dimensions of the tanks, as well as the bottom set, including the location and shape of the ducts; topology and characteristics of pipelines, parameters of local resistances; characteristics of pumping equipment, capacity, pressure, permissible suction height, method of regulating the capacity; operating conditions, the scheme of cargo-ballast operations, the number of simultaneously operating pumps and their conditions of operation, the temperature of the pumped cargo and the method of stripping of containers.
Keywords: tanker, hydromechanical model, cargo-ballast operations, tank parameters, cargo system, ballast system, cargo pumps, ballast pumps, pump operating modes, physical properties of cargo, cargo and ballast movement scheme.
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About author:
N.M. Podvolotsky - DSc, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, St. Petersburg, e-mail:
Issue: 66/67 (2022)
For citation: N.M. Podvolotsky. Hydromechanical model of cargo-ballast operations for tanker. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2022, No. 66/67, pp. 77-85.
UDC 621.25