Determination of the holding force of ship anchors based on model tests

Determination of the holding force of ship anchors based on model tests

Author: Yu.A. Kochnev




Introduction of so-called light anchors on modern ships, or anchors with high and super high holding power, requires them to have a certificate of the classification society confirming that they are able to hold in various types of soil with an external load of at least two loads of a conventional stockless anchor, for example, a Hall type anchor. To obtain a certificate, it is necessary to conduct tests that are time-consuming and require the use of a special vessel equipped with a manipulator, crane or crane beam for hanging, dropping and selecting test anchors. Small and medium-sized firms manufacturing such anchors need alternative test methods to reduce their cost and time. The article considers the possibility of simulation tests of anchor models obtained by additive manufacturing them from ABS plastic with a non-industrial 3-D printer. The criteria of similarity of the full-scale and model process of the anchor behavior in the ground at its static position and drawing, obtained by dimensional analysis, have been given. The results of testing an anchor of a shape similar to the internationally used AC-14 anchor together with a Hall anchor of a similar mass have been presented, for which it was necessary to develop both a laboratory installation and methodology for carrying out the experiment.


Keywords: anchor, holding power, AC-14 anchor, AR-14 anchor, Hall anchor, simulation tests, additive technologies.



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About author:


Yu.A. Kochnev, PhD, assistant professor, Volga State University of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod

Issue: 68/69 (2022)

For citation: Yu.A. Kochnev. Determination of the holding force of ship anchors based on model tests. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2022, No. 68/69, pp. 43-50.

UDC 629.12

Pp: 43-50