Author: R.V. Kuznetsov
The paper presents the experience of industrial application of the method of low-frequency vibration processing of the hull of the ship gearbox "RO55" in order to remove residual welding stresses. Numerical assessment of the value of residual stresses by the methods of resonant frequencies and magnetic anisotropy has been carried out with a comparison of the convergence of the results obtained. Based on the analysis of the research results, assumptions about the possibility of using low-frequency vibration treatment as an alternative to thermal annealing of welded hull structures of marine engineering products have been formulated. The results of the work can be used in production of large-sized welded reverse gears of dual-purpose ships to determine the magnitude of residual stresses and assess the stability of the geometric dimensions of the product. The proposed technology can significantly improve the technological cycle of production by reducing the time of operations, eliminating a number of logistics movements, as well as forgoing the use of specialized expensive equipment.
Keywords: reverse gear, low-frequency vibration treatment, magnetic anisotropy method, residual voltage, zone of thermal influence, welded joint, shipbuilding technology.
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About author:
R.V. Kuznetsov, PhD, PJSC "Zvezda", Higher School of Mechanical Engineering at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
Issue: 68/69 (2022)
For citation: R.V. Kuznetsov. Experience in the use of low-frequency vibration machining in the production of welded hulls of marine reverse gears. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2022, No. 68/69, pp. 51-58.
UDC 621.83.061.4