Substantiation for amendments in the RS rules requirements for the use of socket welded joints in pipelines

Substantiation for amendments in the RS rules requirements for the use of socket welded joints in pipelines

Authors: V.K. Shurpyak, А.V. Dulya, А.S. Statinov




The article provides a comparative analysis of the requirements of classification societies and industry standards for welded socket joints. The geometrical parameters of coupling joints, regulated by various normative documents, have been determined and compared. Numerical experiment has been carried out by calculating the finite element stress-strain state in a joint loaded with various operational loads. The data obtained indicate that the stress concentration factor in the weld increases slightly with an increase in the diameter of the pipes being connected, and thus the scope of welded socket joints can be expanded. The allowable diameter for the use of welded socket joints in class II pipelines can be increased subject to certain additional requirements, which are formulated in the article as a prospective normative proposal to the RS Rules.


Keywords: ship pipelines, slip-on sleeve welded joints of pipes, stress concentration, calculation by the finite element method (FEM).



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About authors:


V.K. Shurpyak, PhD, FAI "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping", St. Petersburg

А.У. Dulya, LLC "Nautic Rus", St. Petersburg

А.S. Statinov, LLC "Nautic Rus", St. Petersburg

Issue: 68/69 (2022)

For citation: V.K. Shurpyak, А.V. Dulya, А.S. Statinov. Substantiation for amendments in the RS rules requirements for the use of socket welded joints in pipelines. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2022, No. 68/69, pp. 59-70.

UDC 621.791.052.2: 629.123 : 629.5.06

Pp: 59-70