Promising directions and technologies for the development of marine automated systems in protected design

Promising directions and technologies for the development of marine automated systems in protected design

Authors: S.A. Sogonov, A.V. Alekseev, M.A. Maksimova, A.A. Ravin, O.V. Khrutsky




The article summarizes results of formalization, analysis and system of breakthrough technologies of creation and operation of marine automated systems in protected version (MASPV) in the context of previously formulated priority technologies for the development of ship energy as part of critical technologies of the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis of their priority and breakthrough technologies, the completed foresight analysis of trends in the integrated development of MASPV allows us to identify new research methods and technologies with one-time search and synthesis of promising design solutions to ensure priority of development, military-technical superiority and competitive ability of MASPV-co-created warships and civil ships.


Keywords: ship power engineering, marine automated system in protected version, breakthrough technology, priority.



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About authors:


S.A. Sogonov, PhD, associate professor, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SMTU), St. Petersburg

A.V. Alekseev, DSc, professor, SMTU, St. Petersburg

M.A. Maksimova, PhD, associate professor, SMTU, St. Petersburg

A.A. Ravin, DSc, associate professor, SMTU, St. Petersburg

O.V. Khrutsky, DSc, professor, SMTU, St. Petersburg

Issue: 68/69 (2022)

For citation: S.A. Sogonov, A.V. Alekseev, M.A. Maksimova, A.A. Ravin, O.V. Khrutsky. Promising directions and technologies for the development of marine automated systems in protected design. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2022, No. 68/69, pp. 82-91.

UDC 681.518

Pp: 82-91