Authors: S.P. Stolyarov, A.S. Stolyarov, Ye Maung
The article discusses correspondences for calculating the parameters of the thermodynamic cycle of the Stirling engine. Heat transfer in the working cylinders has not been taken into account in accordance with the accepted hypothesis. The developed method makes it possible to calculate the pressure value in the cycle with an accuracy sufficient for engineering calculations. Comparison with the reference calculation showed an error in determining the pressure in the cycle by a standard deviation of 0,19 % of the average pressure of the cycle. The error in determining the indicator power was 0,6 %. The method is intended for calculations of the thermodynamic Stirling cycle for engineering purposes. In the development of various systems of Stirling engines, for example.
Keywords: Stirling engine, external combustion heat engine, thermodynamic process, isothermal cylinder, adiabatic model in a Stirling engine, thermodynamic cycle, Stirling engine efficiencies, Stirling engine performance parameters, indicator diagram.
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About authors:
S.P. Stolyarov, PhD, Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SMTU), St. Petersburg
A.S. Stolyarov, SMTU, St. Petersburg
Ye Maung, SMTU, St. Petersburg
Issue: 68/69 (2022)
For citation: S.P. Stolyarov, A.S. Stolyarov, Ye Maung. New analytical method for Stirling engine thermodynamic cycle calculation using simplified adiabatic model. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2022, No. 68/69, pp. 122-129.
UDC 621.41.01