Authors: A.A. Ravin, M.A. Maksimova, A.S. Egorov
One of the most stressful and responsible elements of marine gas turbine engines are the working blades of axial compressors. Their breaks are the cause of severe emergency damage. An effective means of reducing the likelihood of such accidents is monitoring the main factor contributing to the accumulation of fatigue damage to the blades — the amplitude of their oscillations. The article presents the results of simulation modeling of contactless measurement of the amplitude of bending vibrations of compressor blades by discrete-phase method. It has been shown that the discrete-phase method makes it possible to obtain sufficiently reliable estimates of the amplitude of the blade oscillations, at which when multiplied they can lead to significant methodological errors.
Keywords: axial compressor, working blades, oscillation amplitude, simulation modeling.
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About authors:
A.A. Ravin, DSc, St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University (SMTU), St. Petersburg
M.A. Maksimova, PhD, associate professor, SMTU, St. Petersburg
A.S. Egorov, SMTU, St. Petersburg
Issue: 68/69 (2022)
For citation: A.A. Ravin, M.A. Maksimova, A.S. Egorov. Simulation modeling of non-contact vibration monitoring of axial compressor blades. Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. 2022, No. 68/69, pp. 130-134.
UDC 62-752