Ships certification for compliance with requirements of Maritime Labour Convention 2006.
RS has extensive experience in carrying out audits of companies and ships for compliance with the MLC requirements.
RS has authorizations from more than 60 Maritime Administrations to perform audits for compliance with the MLC requirements. RS has a wide network of representations in Russia and abroad. The RS experts, who are highly qualified in MLC, are ready to promptly carry out the audits all over the world.
List of Services:
- Ship certification for compliance with MLC requirements.
- Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance review and endorsement.
- Issuance of Part I of Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance for ship flying the state flag of the Russian Federation.
- Voluntary certification of crewing companies for compliance with the requirements of MLC Rule 1.4.
Documents issued based on the certification results:
- Maritime Labour Certificate
- Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance
- Statement (Certificate) of compliance seafarers recruitment and placement service