Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping

Research Bulletin

Research Bulletin by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping is a periodical with 4 issues a year. The topics of the Bulletin cover a wide range of questions in the areas of shipbuilding and shipping, offshore development facilities, up-to-date maritime technology, environmental protection and maritime safety.

It is recommended to send articles for review using the electronic form. All publications in Research Bulletin are free of charge and royalty-free.

The Founder and the Publisher: Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

Editor-in-chief – Doctor of Science, Assistant, Scientific and Technical Activity, Mikhail Kuteynikov.

The Bulletin publishes the articles in accordance with the nomenclature of specialties of HAC scientific workers:

  • 2.5.17 - Ship theory and structural mechanics
  • 2.5.18 - Ship design and construction
  • 2.5.20 - Ship power plants and their components (main and auxiliary)
  • 2.6.1 - Metal science and heat treatment of metals and alloys

The Research Bulletin also publishes actual news of domestic and foreign shipbuilding industry, which will be of interest to marine industry specialists.

The Bulletin is addressed to representatives of shipbuilding and ship repair firms, design bureaus, ship equipment suppliers, employees of R&D centers, graduates and post-graduate students of marine universities.

The main purposes of the Research Bulletin are:

  1. Publication of significant scientific results of R&D works, which form the basis of the RS normative documents.
  2. Familiarization with the latest achievements in shipbuilding and of sea transport operation.
  3. Publication of survey articles about new methods and technologies in shipbuilding.
  4. Publication of materials of scientific and technical conferences.
  5. Sharing of experience, theoretical and practical knowledge of Russian and foreign scientists involved in marine engineering.
  6. Extension of scientific contacts at the expense of a free access to the research results (the electronic version of the Research Bulletin is published on the website free of charge).

The main items of the Research Bulletin

  1. Maritime safety and environmental protection
  2. Sea transport economics and management
  3. Seaworthiness
  4. Strength of ships and floating facilities
  5. Materials and welding
  6. Machinery installations and propulsion
  7. Container shipping
  8. Oil and gas facilities
  9. Electrical equipment
  10. Radio navigational equipment
  11. Human element problems
  12. Information technology
  13. Nuclear ships
  14. History of science and technology development
  15. Review of international documents

The full texts of the Research Bulletin of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping are available on the Publications section of the RS official website.

Research Bulletins by RS: articles annotations

The history of the Research Bulletin of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping goes back hundred years. The first edition of the Bulletin was published in 1916 and was a brief essay of classification activity in Russia. In the course of its existence, the journal changed in accordance with the specific features of time.

Today, the journal is a specialized publication that goes beyond the walls of the classification society and allows bringing to its pages the results of scientific research that are basis of our normative documents. Preparation of articles containing research results, carried out by the RS order, is compulsory.

The direct relationship of the journal to the Register activities to provide the safety of human life at sea makes it possible to gather under the same cover a wide range of research that is of application-oriented nature. All articles in the journal describe solutions of actual problems brought to practical recommendations. The practical orientation of the journal, its direct connection with the Register goal is a distinctive feature of the publication, which creates its uniqueness and determines the journal niche among the existing publications in the field of shipbuilding and shipping.

The journal is included in Russian index of scientific citing (, VINITI RAS, Scientific and Technical Literature Collection, international database Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media. Registration Certificate ПИ No. ФС77-64086 of 25.12.2015.

By the decision of the HAC Presidium, the Research Bulletin of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping is included in the list of leading scientific journals and publications issued in the Russian Federation where the main scientific results of doctoral and candidate’s thesis shall be published

The scientific journal is published 4 times a year.


Mikhail Kuteynikov


+7 812 312 8572
