RussianMaritime Registerof Shipping




Under construction

In service

Sports sailing vessels

Small craft

Offshore oil and gas facilities

Under construction

Subsea pipelines

Subsea production complexes

Oil and gas equipment

Marine operations

Onshore facilities that provide safety of shipping


Technical supervision in industry

Approval of materials, products and processes

Recognition and audit of firms

Containers, Packaging, Dangerous Goods




Management system certification

System of voluntary certification of products and production facilities of general industrial purposes

Certification of organizations that perform activities in accordance with IC STCW

Certification of the Information Security Management Systems ISO/IEC 27001:2022

Certification of the Lean Production Management Systems

Certification of the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015

Certification of the Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015

Certification of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System ISO 45001:2018

Certification of the Energy Management System ISO 50001:2018

Certification of the Ship Recycling Management System ISO 30000:2009

Certification of the Risk Management Systems ISO 31000:2018

Online Information

Members area

Register of Ships

Approved materials and products, service suppliers, companies

Rosmorrechflot Certificates

RS Circulars

Additional information on surveys of ships in service

Documents on containers

E-certificate verification

Thickness Measurement Firms
